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Kia Kee worth, curious name for a prototype remote control

The design of the Kia Kee is not worth either too different, maintains the lines that we are accustomed to seeing in the prototypes that anticipate future models. That is not part of this new conceptual model, created in a research centre that has Korean brand in New Zealand, but the main innovation lies in the very concept of operation of the vehicle.

Instead of using the classic combination of pedal, steering wheel and shift lever, Kee wii (wireless) incorporates a remote control called "Dynamic On-Road Kinetics" that lets you handle the vehicle wirelessly through a simple interface: turning the wheels rotate command at the address provided and accelerates or slows using a couple of buttons. This system provides two key advantages: it allows to drive the vehicle from any position in the interior (Can also be from the outside?), And avoids having to design a post exclusively for that purpose.

via: terramotor

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