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East Meets in the West - Hollywood, CA - Aug. 5-8

The engineering stars of cars will converge on Hollywood to promote automotive engineering development worldwide during the 14th Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference (APAC), Aug 5-8, at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel.

SAE International will host this shared event, with patronage by the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA), to bring together experts in the industry to address issues the world is talking about :

-- Dr. Chris Borroni-Bird, Director of Advanced Technology Vehicle Concepts for General Motors Corporation, will discuss "Reinvention of the Automobile." Borroni-Bird is one of the world's leading fuel-cell experts.-- Graham R. Napier, President and Chief Executive Officer of TradeBeam, will lead a panel discussion focusing on multi-national sourcing and global trade management.-- Ward Atkinson, President of Sun Test Engineering, heads a panel on government and industry cooperation in development of the next generation of refrigerants, highlighting technical and policy developments from Japan, Europe and North America.

The event is organized by the APAC member societies, including SAE International; The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers-Australasia; Society of Automotive Engineers of China; SAE India; SAE Indonesia; Iran Society of Automotive Engineering; Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan; The Institute of Automotive Engineers-Sri Lanka; Society of Automotive Engineers of Thailand and the Vietnamese Society of Automotive Engineers. The conference's General Chairman is Dr. James Smith, Director of the Center for Industrial Research of Applied Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at West Virginia University.

For more information on APAC-14, please visit

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